I am changing my blog. So many great things have happened in the past few months. When I first started my blog, I felt alone and was completely vulnerable to everything. I am no longer vulnerable and do not feel alone at all. I honestly couldn't ask for a better person to help get me out of this stage of life. I have a new chapter starting and this blog is not going to be a part of it. I hope that in this new phase of life that there will be many struggles, but now I have someone to share those with and someone to help me a long when time are tough. I love this person more than ever and he has grown to love me. I know that everything is going to be great with him!
Here is the link to my new blog. I have had it for awhile and was just not ready to post. When I went to post something, our great friend Andrea had already done a few posts for us and put some pictures up. I hope you will enjoy our new journey!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
New Blog
Posted by
3:56 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Died and Gone to Heaven
For some time now, I have been in love with shoes. I wish that I could afford to buy me some Manolo Blahnik or maybe some Jimmy Choo's, but what I really want is these!
I think these are simply divine! I would love to wear these amazing shoes. Something about the beautiful two tone bow and red soles just screams BUY ME! I need these, but are they worth $925.00?
Posted by
3:20 PM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Long Awaited Update
I know, I know. You all have missed me, but the truth is; I have been busy with Jonny. We are together all the time and frankly I cant get enough of him! Lots has happened since I last blogged so this might be a long post, but I know you all live vicariously through me so you will enjoy it!
We went to the Dallas Cowboys game and it was awesome. We flew to Dallas on a Saturday and when we got there we had our first taste of being a "couple." We argued about the GPS! When I say argued, it was really just me getting frustrated at him! After getting out of the airport, we went and checked into our hotel and then headed downtown for dinner. Lets just say that Dallas is not my best friend. We got to the city at like 7 PM and everything was closed! It was cold, I was hungry and just wanted to eat somewhere other than a bar. We left the city and drove for another hour trying to find somewhere to eat. We finally found a Chili's and lucky for us, it was across from the Stadium so it was a big help for game day.
On game day, we woke up and just went over to eat lunch and take a shuttle over to Texas Stadium. It was crazy to actually get to the stadium and see all the crazy fans. We got there early and it gave us time to buy some Cowboys gear and take some picture. It was freezing cold at the game, I didn't think that it would be so cold, so I spent some money and bought a sweet Cowboys blanket. The game was awesome, the fans were crazy, and we had a great time.
Next came the holidays which means lots of family parties. We missed the Chirstensen family party but made it to the Peterson, Wayman and Carlisle family parties. We had a great Christmas and were both really spoiled. We were really lucky to be able to spend so much time together since we both were out of school. We spent New Years Eve with our friends Austin and Andrea. We just hung out at their house and watched Lost. It was good to just relax and be with good friends.
That is really all that has happened in my life. Now here are some pictures for your enjoyment! I promise that as my New Year's Resolution that I will blog more often!
Posted by
8:29 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
Things have been going really well lately. Not a lot has happened; just going to school and hanging out with Jonny as much as possible. I spent Thanksgiving with his family, which was really nice because we got to spend all weekend together. It was also his birthday and I got him tickets to a Dallas Cowboys game, so in a few weeks, we are going to Dallas. We are both really excited. I dont have much else to say. Hope everything is going well with all!
Posted by
7:51 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
10 days, 4 dates and 3 pounds
The past week has been absolutely crazy! In 10 days, I have gone on 4 dates with Jonny, met his Moms family, his Dad and Step Mom, lots of his friends and their wives or girlfriends, and have honestly had such a good time. I want to tell Amy thanks for letting me stay at her house. I kept her up late because she wanted to hear about my dates, and I think she was just as giddy as I was. I really like him. He is such a great guy, he is easy to talk to, has a great sense of humor, has amazing life goals, and most importantly he loves the church.
Weight Watchers has been great. I have lost 3 pounds this week and only have 5 more until my goal! I am really hungry all the time, but I can see the results so it is totally worth it. I know with the holiday season right around the corner, it is going to be a huge stuggle to not over indulge on candy!
Things have been really great lately. I dont think I have been this excited and giddy in a long time. As new things happen I will keep you posted!
Posted by
1:51 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Weight Watchers
Today, the diet begins. Not that I really need to lose weight, but I who doesn't want to be skinnier? My Aunt Carrie does WW online and has had great success, so I thought, "What the heck?" All you do is sign up, tell them your weight and height, and they tell you how many points you can have in a day. Sounds easy right? WRONG! Based on my weight and height, I can have 19 points a day and I have 35 "flex" points that you can use a week. So based on 19 points and eating healthy,lets say you have breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, and dinner (this is what they have on their website.) That means I can only have 3.8 points per each meal. Who can only eat 3.8 points? Not me!
So far today I have had 1/2 cup of cottage cheese= 2 points and one banana= 2 points. What in the world am I supposed to eat, if I have already eaten this many points. I now understand why people who use WW lose weight, they starve! I hope all you skinny people out there who are eating all those carbs enjoy them, one day they will catch up with you!
Posted by
9:48 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Finally! Something GREAT!
Life has been so busy lately. School is going really well, I am glad that the semester is almost over. I am ready for new classes and new people. Work is great! It is starting to get really busy, as people are ready to get on the slopes. I recently shot a commercial, so you may be seeing me on PCTV.
I was recently set up on a blind date, which is always great. Nothing better than two inept people going on a date seeing if there is a “spark.” So my beautiful cousin Amy called and said she had this gorgeous trendy guy to set me up with. I totally trusted her what is wrong with going on a date with a hot guy? Nothing! So the next day I get a phone call from hot Jonny and we make plans to go on a date and to bring a friend so it is less awkward. Everyday leading up to the date, I talk to hot Jonny so I already have an idea of who he is and what he is like. So Thursday night comes around and two strapping men come and pick Kelly and I up. They are both hot, especially my date! I had a really good time, and from what I have heard so did he. I will keep you posted on this!
Tori is doing really well in the NICU. It is so amazing to me how far a long she has come and progressed. I know that she has truly blessed my life, and has made me realize what is really important. I love my family more than anything. We are so blessed and I am so grateful.
Life couldnt be better! Have a great weekend!
Ciao Bella
Posted by
10:14 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
On Saturday morning little Carter passed away. There was such a peacful feeling in the NICU as we sat there and held this little angel. We all knew that he had fought a good fight and was now back in his loving Heavenly Fathers arms. Little Tori is still continuing to fight. Today they took her off all of the medication and she was doing a lot better. The new doctor has hope that this little baby will live. They all decided that the best option would be to Life Flight her to Primary Childrens hospital to repair the hole in her heart. The doctor said that repairing the hole would make her fight easier and the swelling and blood on her brain will go down. We are all continuing to pray and have hope that this little angel will make it!
Posted by
1:28 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
grat·i·tude (grăt'ĭ-tūd', -tyūd') n.
The state of being grateful; thankfulness.
This has been such a crazy week. On Wednesday my cousin had her babies at 24 weeks. They are so tiny. They are not expected to make it through the weekend. They are only 12 inches long and only weigh 1 pound 5 ounces. Seeing those little babies in the NICU broke my heart.
Seeing how much these little babies mean to me and my family helped put so many things into perspective for me. I realized how grateful I am for eternal families. I am grateful that my parents have made those covenants so we can be an eternal family. I am grateful for the priesthood and that those babies were able to get a name and a blessing. I am grateful for my family and for the strength and support that they show. I am grateful for the doctors and nurses for all there hard work. I am most grateful for my Heavenly Father and his greater plan for those babies.
I know that if those babies do not make it through the weekend that there are many lessons to learn. That they were able to help us understand that there is really a bigger plan in store for them, and that we need to have complete trust in the Lord. I am grateful that I will be able to one day see those babies again.
Please keep them in your prayers!
Posted by
4:16 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
New Chapter...New Book
I found out on Friday that a certain someone had entered the MTC. I was honestly really happy to hear that. I was glad that he had overcome his trial and was able to go. Now in learning about this, I decided that I would email his mom and maybe try and gain some closure from this whole thing. It has been 8 months since I last had talked to her and I didnt have any idea what she was going to say. I didnt know if he had told her I was this horrible person, I didnt know what she thought about me. What did I have to lose though? Nothing! I emailed her and was really nervous to she what she was going to say back. Everything was really nice and from her kind words, I can honestly say that I feel ok about the whole thing. I know longer have to wonder about what happened to him.
I really feel that I have gained some closure on this whole thing. I dont need to hold onto the past any longer. He was really a great guy, I had lots of fun with him, and really enjoyed his family. I can now turn that chapter in my book and look forward to the new ones that are to come!
Posted by
12:17 PM